Website Creation in Plain English Example Pages

These pages include every single example shown in the book. They are here so you can view them and examine their coding.

If you don't want to scroll down to see the footnotes, hover your mouse cursor over their numbers, and they'll show up beside the link.


  1. Valid, but gets a No Character Encoding warning from the W3C validator.
  2. This document has at least one deliberate error in the code and is not valid HTML 4.01 Strict.
  3. This example requires JavaScript to be enabled.
  4. This page requires one or more specialized fonts.
  5. This page has one or more hyperlinks that may launch a separate program.
  6. This page has one or more hyperlinks that point to a non-existent page.
  7. This page may not work properly in all browsers.
  8. This document uses CSS properties that may not be supported by all browsers.
  9. This is not an HTML page.
  10. This has code that was omitted from the in-book code, due to length and repetitiveness.
  11. This code is and adjustment of an earlier example, using loops to whittle down on length.
  12. This page's script does not work because of a deliberate error.