Tips And Tricks Of Website Design

This last chapter is pretty much a grab bag of bits of advice and tricks you can use. There's not much more that I can tell you about website coding, so here are some tips about website design.

Design Tips

There is no real right way to design a website, no one ultimate configuration of placing and color. I can, however, offer some tips to nudge you in the right direction.

There are a few basic things to remember:

  1. People rarely go to a webpage to check out the page itself; they go to webpages to check out their content
  2. The worst thing your webpage can do is annoy the visitor. Boring your visitors means they have little reason to return. Annoying them gives them reasons not to.

Consistency Is Good

Consistency doesn't make you look boring, it makes you look competent. It also helps you create webpages faster by allowing you to create:

Furthermore, it makes your webpage easier to figure out.

Contrast Is Important

There are few design mistakes worse than contrast, which is how much your text stands out against the background. A good rule of thumb is if you must highlight text to read it, you need to adjust your contrast. Beware of colorful pictures; too many conflicting colors will make your text hard to read as well.

Clean Code Isn't Everything

In the examples, I have a page called A Terrible Webpage (there is also a text-only version of it). It has no errors in JavaScript, CSS, or HTML—but the page itself is horrid. The problems, paragraph by paragraph:

Lastly, the h2 elements have moving borders and text, making them distracting even without their garish colors, while the hr elements have animated backgrounds of their own.

In short, there's loads of features that a) take up quite a bit of bandwidth, b) make the page difficult to read, c) bog down your computer (you may notice that the moving content constantly changes speed), and d) generally make the page suck.

Properly coding your structure, styling, and behavior is important, but that alone does not make a good webpage—nor does shoddy coding prevent a webpage from looking good. The trick is to start with an idea for a good design, then use good coding to bring it into being.

This Book Does Not Teach Everything

Below are a bunch of websites you should visit:

A List Apart


This webpage contains a lot of advanced website coding tricks.

CSS Zen Garden


This webpage shows what kind of sites can be made with CSS.

Webdeveloper Forum


This is where I learned most of my coding habits. It's also where the seed of this book was planted.

Webpages That Suck


This webpage shows what to avoid by exposing websites that have particularly bad design.



This is where I got most of my JavaScript information.

World Wide Web Consortium


This is where I got most of my (X)HTML and CSS information, and there's a lot more you can use there too.

Design Tricks

One thing I didn't really cover were some design tricks, so I'll cover them here.

One common practice is to have the navigation menu on one side of the page or the other, creating a two- or three-colum page. It makes for a fairly simple, elegant, and easy-to-use page layout.

One common way to to do so is to use absolute positioning for the menu.

In the case we're going to use, we:

  1. get rid of the list style, margins, and padding;
  2. set the width to 100 pixels;
  3. center all text;
  4. set the absolute position (10 pixels from the left and top);
  5. give the #Menu element a border;
  6. and give the list items some space.
A StyleSheet For A Simple Menu
border:1px solid black;
#Menu li{padding:5px 0;}

Fairly straightforward. But it also means that the content of the page that is not positioned absolutely will overlap the menu. This is solved by one simple rule:

Clearing The Menu

120 pixels of padding on the left hand side pushes the rest of the content over, while leaving any absolutely-positioned elements where they are.

A menu

The results are nice and neat, and the CSS is very simple and straightforward.

If you wanted #Menu on the right side, you'd just change the absolute position of #Menu and adjust the padding. You could even have padding on both sides if you wanted a menu on either side.

In the meantime, you should see the coding trickery I used in creating the Horrors page. Your eyes do not deceive you; the crappy page takes far more coding than the simple page, and some of the worst features (changing colors and moving text) were created with JavaScript trickery.

With that final bit, I think it's time for me to let you go and learn more about website designing on your own. Happy coding.