
The best way to describe a variable is to compare it to a box with a name written on it. You use a variable to store a value, like you use a box to store an object (although in this case, the box would have the capacity for only one object). Throughout the chapter, I will use a variable named foo. I mentioned it's a common dummy variable name when I described the var element back in Inline Elements, so I may as well use it.

A variable can hold values such as:

or other types of values.

The most important and fundamental fact about variables is the value of a variable can change, much like you can take an item out of a box and put in another. The value of 5 will always be 5, and document will always refer to the document node. The value of a variable is whatever you set it to be.

Declaring A Variable

Declaring a variable means creating a variable and giving it a name. Variables are declared using the keyword var (yes, the same as the (X)HTML element name). While the keyword var may be omitted, some browsers could get confused, so its best to use it whenever declaring one.

Declaring A Variable
var foo;

The semicolon at the end is an optional character marking the end of the line. It's optional, but I usually include it.

What we have done here in this script so far is said a variable called foo exists in this script.

Variable Names

Variable names can be a combination of letters, numbers, underscores (_), and dollar signs ($). In fact, a lot of programmers place dollar signs in front their variables' names to indicate that they are indeed variables. However, variable names must not start with a number.


A variable is useless until it stands for something. Otherwise it's like an empty box that takes up room. Assigning a value to a variable requires an operator, which is basically a special symbol or sequence of symbols that tells the script to do something. The operator in this case is, appropriately enough, =—the equals sign. So, let's put the variable foo to work:

Declaring A Variable, Then Assigning A Value
var foo;
foo = 5;

What this says is There is a variable called foo. foo holds the value 5. You can assign a value when declaring a variable, too:

Declaring A Variable With A Value
var foo = 5;

What this says is There is a variable called foo, which holds the value 5. It's a subtle distinction, but the distinction is there.

No matter what the value type, the means of assignation are the same:

Declaring Variable With Different Value Types
var foo = "Something else"; // Assigning a string.
var foo = true; // Assigning a Boolean value.
var foo = document; // Assigning a reference to the document node.

Assigning Nodes

When you assign a node to a variable, you actually assign that variable a reference to the node. Through that reference, you may access or control all parts of the node.

In the following experiment, we want access to the text node contained in an span element with the ID JS. Below is the HTML code of the page:

A Page With An Element With The ID JS
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript">
<title>Changing Text</title>
<p><strong>JavaScript result:</strong> <span id="JS">The text node we want</span></p>
<script type="text/javascript">
// JavaScript Code Goes Here

This contains several nodes that can be referenced through variables. Below is the JavaScript that will allow us to access the text node through the variable foo and assign its text to the variable text:

Assign Text To text
If foo Is The Document Node
var foo = document;
var text = foo.getElementById("JS");
If foo Is The Desired Element Node
var foo = document.getElementById("JS");
var text =;
If foo Is The Desired Text Node
var foo = document.getElementById("JS").firstChild;
var text =;

If I got any more specific with the contents of foo, the value wouldn't be a reference to any sort of DOM node, but rather a string of text stating, The text node we want.

By the way, you can use the text node reference assigned to foo to change the text:

Change The Text Of The Node Assigned To foo
var foo = document.getElementById("JS").firstChild;
var text = "JavaScript enabled."; = text;

And, so long as your JavaScript is turned on, it works!

Changing Text with JavaScript


An array is an object that:

If a variable is like a box, an array is like a box with dividers in it. Each spot outlined by the box and dividers would be known as an element (not to be confused with the element of a markup language). Declaring an array takes some special coding.

If you're just declaring an array, you can do it like this:

Declaring An Array
var foo = new Array();

If you want to declare an array and say how how many elements it should have (for example, 3), you can do it like this:

Declaring An Array With 3 Elements
var foo = new Array(3);

Lastly, if you want to specify the actual values that the array holds while declaring it, you can do that too. There are two ways:

Declaring An Array With 3 Values
Explicitly Creating New Array:
var foo = new Array(5, 3, "Something else");
Implicitly Creating New Array:
var foo = [5, 3, "Something else"];

There is a difference you should know about: var foo = new Array(5); means foo is an array with five elements, none of which have an actual value yet, but var foo = [5]; means foo is an array with one element that has the value 5.

Assigning Values To An Array

If foo is an array, you should not say foo = 5;. It will set the variable foo to the value 5, and you can kiss the array goodbye. If you want to put the value into the array foo, you have to tell the script where to stick it. Where in the array, I mean.

The first thing you need to know is that element #1 will be the second element in the array—arrays always start at 0. So to reference the first element in foo, you write the name of the array (in this case, foo, followed with the number 0 in square brackets: foo[0]. So, here is how to assign the values 5, 3, and Something else to the first three elements in the array foo:

Assigning Values To separate Array Elements
foo[0] = 5;
foo[1] = 3;
foo[2] = "Something else";

Now foo holds three different values. Note that I don't use the keyword var here—foo already exists.

Arrays Within Arrays

Arrays can actually hold other arrays, as well. Say I decide to declare foo like this:

Declaring An Array In An Array
var foo = new Array(new Array(5, 3), "Something else");
var foo = [[5, 3], "Something else"];

In each case, I have an array inside an array. If I wanted to reference the value 5, I would use foo like an array, then the element 0 of foo like an array as well. Element 0 of that is where 5 is, so I would reference it like this: foo[0][0]. The value 3 is foo[0][1], but Something else is foo[1], since it is in the array foo itself. But what if I declared foo like this?

Declaring Two Arrays In One Array
var foo = new Array(new Array(5, 3), new Array("Something else"));
var foo = [[5, 3], ["Something else"]];

Then Something else would be in foo[1][0], since it is now in a one-element array which is itself in the array foo.

And, yes, you can assign an array to an array element just like any other value:

Assigning Arrays To Array Elements
var foo = new Array(2);
foo[0] = [5, 3];
foo[1] = new Array("Something else");

Working With An Array

There are several things you can do with the array. In all cases, I will assume that the name of the array is foo.

x = foo.length
The value of x is now the number of elements in the array foo
x = foo.concat(array1)
The value of x is now an array containing the elements of foo followed by the elements of array1 (foo and array1 are unchanged). You have the option of doing this with more arrays at once: x = foo.concat(array1, array2, array3 . . . )
x = foo.pop()
The last element of the array foo is removed, and becomes the value of x.
The array foo adds an element to its end, which holds the value of x.
The elements in array foo are reversed.
x = foo.shift()
The first element of the array foo is removed, and becomes the value of x.
The array foo adds an element to the beginning, which holds the value of x, and the indices of the following elements are all raised by 1.

Arrays Vs. Element Node Lists

In The Document Object Model, I mentioned that getElementsByTagName and childNodes got you a whole list of nodes which seemed to work like arrays. However, they are not arrays. While you can get the length of a node list, you cannot manipulate node lists like you can arrays. They are what they are, and fiddling around with them takes quite a bit more work. I'll explain how to do it in DOM Manipulation.

The Index of an Array

Ultimately, the index of an array must be an integer (there are what look like exceptions; I'll get to those later). However, what goes between [ and ] does not have to initially be an integer. It can alse be:

or even a mix of the above.

Changing The Value Of A Variable

As stated before, the value of a variable can change. How you can change it depends on what kind of value the variable holds.

The simplest way to change the value of a variable is by simply assigning a new value:

Changing The Value Of foo
foo = 5;
foo = 3;
foo = "Something else";

Line by line, the above code says:

  1. foo holds the value 5.
  2. foo holds the value 3.
  3. foo holds the value Something else.

In every case, the variable name remains foo, but the value changes.

Variables and Procedure Calls

You don't have to send procedures raw numbers or strings. You can pass those values via variables. The following two codes will have the same effect:

Sending An ID To getElementById
Sending An ID Via Raw Text
var foo = document.getElementById("JS");
Sending An ID Via A Variable
var id = "JS";
var foo = document.getElementById(id);