These are short stories I've written over time. Some even predate my presence on the internet.
Much of what I have written is for my own enjoyment. Some of these I consider depressingly poor and therefore in need of rewrites. But in any case, here are all my original short stories.
This is a story of a rarity in musclefur fiction: Steroid use. This was recieved very well in the musclefur groups I am a part of. Please. If you know of anyone who is using steroids, or is gonna use steroids, get them help. Even if they don't want it, or don't thank you later, they need help.
I love twists and turns in stories, I love giving the readers a surprise. On top of that, my sense of humor is somewhat macabre. So here is Darkest Night, a story I wrote for Hallowe'en. Enjoy.
This is one of my sillier writings. Basically, it was me meeting my fursona. I had fun doing it.
This is, I believe, my oldest furry work, written when I was a teenager. I always wanted to make a series of stories in this universe; perhaps one day I will. The universe was (I'm afraid) a Fern Hollow ripoff. Let others blame Disney, I have John Patience to thank for turning me furry.
Heck, I still have my books.
A short piece that was my first shot at writing Furry Muscle, I am happy at the way this turned out. An old musclefur finds a new fan where it truly counts...
The title, of course, comes from Bilbo Baggin's poem in The Lord Of The Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien.
A short story about a guy who hunts a wolf. I'm not against hunting animals, but I am against the idea of hunting animals for the sake of sport.
I've based some of my stories in the universes of other writers and artists. Of course, my most extensive one is the Basalt City Chronicles, which is elsewhere, but the short stories are here.
This goofy story was written for Shane Nelson, creator of the webcomic Shayla the Pink Mouse. I couldn't resist throwing his character Trevor into a ridiculous situation.
Trevor, Katrina, and Shayla are © Shane. Wildwind Dandinson, Wildflower Dandinson, and Dreysanius von Acrutar are © me.
I thought the idea of a disabled musclefur was one that begged to be brought to light. No offence to anyone meant, but disabled furs are a very rare subject. The only artist I've seen draw one is Albert Temple (His character, Ernie, cannot walk). Disabled musclefurs are, as far as I have seen, nonexistant. So, I was wondering, why not a musclefur in a wheelchair? This story is the result.
All characters contained within are © Braford, with the exception of Josef, who is © me.
Josef would become a major character of mine, transforming into an aging (but still parapelegic) musclefur and the father-in-law of Dreysanius Acrutar. Here, however, his description is pretty sketchy.
This story was inspired by Erin Topping's website WTF which is no longer online. She thought it was quite good. :) Unfortunately, I don't have a site for her, and I've lost all contact. :'(
This tale also appears on Gene Catlow's site, which shows you how much he liked it. When I wrote the story, I didn't know Dodo Modo (who appears in it) was © someone else, so that character is used without permission, I'm afraid.
This is a special subset of fan fiction, where the story is based on a specific piece or pieces of artwork. In each case, the piece of artwork is either linked to in the description, or shown in the story.
This was written in response to a comic series drawn by Gene Catlow. The comic is as follows:
This story was in response to an art exchange that was taking place on FurAffinity. The order of pictures is thus:
And that's where my story took off, with Jack about to get Gene Catlow drunk. The stories took a different direction, of course, but Gene and CatsWhisker found this an amusing possibility. The actual storyline continued as follows:
And, yes, this is a deliberate pun on The Devil Wears Prada.
is a Ford car that I really did purchase for $1.00.
Jesoran Tarnysk, father of Barinsk "Bustfang" Tarnysk, seeks out a new recruit, to continue the ancient tradition of tournament fighting.
The story behind Tundefilii's picture of the same name.
The Author, Author series is a bunch of writings written from the viewpoint of "The Author", which is yours truly. It contains my views on being a Furry Author. Sometimes get kind of depressing, sometimes humourous, probably often boring, but always honest, this is how I think it's like to be an author.
This is the first story in a planned series of tales, sort of starring me as The Author. It's not entirely fiction, more like a diary of my life as an author.
Some more rambling from me as The Author. Includes some teasing of someone I admire that I call His Felinity, who has reason to think that I am evil.
I've been more or less involved in the Furry Basketball Association from the beginning, and have made a few contributions (some better than others) to it.
These, then, are stories that exist within its continuity.
An interview with an FBA hopeful.
Kevin Malka of the Winnepeg Voyageurs finds himself a witness to the bad blood between the two toughest members of his team.
Years ago, I belonged to several clubs which were grouped into the Redwall Online Community, or ROC for short. One way to gain rank in these clubs was to write missions; that is, you would choose an objective from a list and write a short story about how you completed that objective.
The stories featured here are the only extant missions from these clubs that I know of that I wrote. Five are written for a club called MoonShadow Island, one for Sampetra: Imperial Navy Serving Ublaz.
They all feature a family of evil vampiric wolves known as the Windschreiener family.
I swear this predated the Twilight novels.
The stories are presented here in chronological order. If there seems to be great holes in continuity, recall that these were written for roleplaying clubs; much that went on between the stories is now permanently lost, but these stories did make sense to their original audiences.
King Nightskar, Xean, and Emperor Ublaz are © their players. Emperor Ublaz is based on the character from the book Pearls of Lutra by the late, great Brian Jacques.
So read them and enjoy what are among the oldest examples of my writing available online. I have edited them but little, allowing you to see what my writing was really like when I first began writing in earnest.
Told By: Loroch Windschreiener
Quest Completed By: Loroch Windschreiener
This is the first mission I wrote for a club called Moonshadow Island. King Nightskar wanted a certain cove, but it was inhabited by a colony of virtuous woodlanders. It was up to Loroch to rectify that problem.
Told By: Loroch and Laraida Windschreiener
Quest Completed By: Loroch, Laraida, Rolja, and Shtaragk Windschreiener
This is the second mission I wrote for Moonshadow Island. Encouraged by Loroch's success at the cove, King Nightskar sends Loroch and his family out to investigate a pair of ships sailing there.
Told By: Eisenzahn Windschreiener
Quest Completed By: Eisenzahn Windschreiener
In the third mission for Moonshadow Island, Eisenzahn has a run-in with a pike
Told By: Loroch Windschreiener
Quest Completed By: Loroch, Shtaragk, and Eisenzahn Windschreiener
This is the fourth mission I wrote for Moonshadow Island. Loroch and two of his sons return to the abandoned Fort Darkmist.
Incidently, Fort Darkmist was the first ROC club I ever joined. Its leaders, Ursus Pandion and Arctos Aponaphelma, are © their players—wherever they are.
Told By: Shtaragk Windschreiener
Quest Completed By: Shtaragk Windschreiener
This is the fifth and last mission I wrote for Moonshadow Island. While on a quest, Shtaragk claims his vampiric heritage.
Ursus Pandion and Arctos Aponaphelma, are © their players.
Quest Completed By: Loroch, Rolja, and Shtaragk Windschreiener
This is the first (and ultimately only) mission I wrote for a club called Sampetra: Imperial Navy Serving Ublaz (INSU for short). Loroch, Rolja, and Shtaragk deal with an infestation of lizards.