Links: Websites outside the realm of furry

Links: Websites outside the realm of furry

Yes, I visit some non-furry sites. And I've decided to list them here, in a seperate section, for your perusal. Some are informational, some are just for fun, and some I found interesting.

Website Coding And Design

Lissa Explains It All
A website tutorial I used a lot when I was first starting out creating websites.
The Webdeveloper Forums
Very good help forum for website builders and the birthplace of Website Creation In Plain English
Webpages That Suck
A website that showcases how not to create a website.
World Wide Web Consortium
In short, the ones who codified CSS and HTML.


Prairie Wrestling Alliance
The home of Gentleman John Lynx
Storm Wrestling
The official website of my wrestling mentor, Lance Storm.
Storm Wrestling Academy
Yes, I did train here, first as a wrestler, then as a ref.

Other Sites

Luciferous Logolepsy
A dictionary of obscure English words, which comes in very helpful for an author like me.
The construction set I grew up with.
A humour site.
Urban Legends Reference pages
Urban Legends: true, unverifiable, ambiguous, or just plain ridiculously false; it's all enjoyable.