Redwall Quiz

You open the door labeled Quiz and find yourself in a huge room filled with vermin like yourself. They are all writing something on pieces of paper. A stoat walks up to you and, noticing your confused face, says,"Your new here are you not?" You nod and the stoat continues,"Well, then you don't know about the quiz! You see Deathshand always quizzes us on what we learn, so we don't forget it. This quiz is about our enemies, goodbeasts, like woodlanders. What you do is, you answer the questions on this sheet here as best as you can, and send them to Deathshand. You will get five coins for every question right! Remember, you can only take this quiz once, after that you need to wait for the new questions before you can take the quiz again,"with that, the stoat hands you a piece of paper and a quill pen and goes back to his work. You take a seat and start reading......

Question #1: In the book Mattimeo who is Auma's father?

Question #2: What is the name of the raven leader that attacks Redwall?

Question #3: What did Mattimeo and Vitch always do that got them in trouble?


The answers are:
  1. Orlando the Axe
  2. General Ironbeak
  3. They fought