Welcome to Kindraco Fortress

You have heard tales of an old, crumbling castle, just waiting for looters, somewhere in Mossflower. You've traveled for days, following an old map you found somewhere. As you reach the area, you discover that there is no crumbling castle, but a massive fortress, strong, and well built. Suddenly, you are siezed from behind by two cloaked beasts, and dragged to the fort, your protestations making no difference, they are swift, silent, and implacable. They drag you into a throne room, where an gigantic fox sits, glaring down. "So... another robber coming to pick the corpse of this realm. Another interloper into my territory?"

"Y-your territory?" you stammer,"I thought this place was deserted!"

The huge fox laughs, mercilessly. "It was. But now, I have taken it over, and made it my own," states the fox, "My name is Lord Borak KinDraco, once Borak BenDragon the Fox, and I have taken this castle, and rebuilt it, with the fort around it."

He snaps his fingers and five foxes step out of nowhere and surround you, their swords ready to chop your head from your shoulders if you make a wrong move. "Well, you have two choices.. You can walk up to my throne, and kiss the blade of my sword, joining my castle, or you can fight your way to the door." He grins, as many more warriors -- from their looks, his clansmen -- come from the shadows. Borak smiles, leaning back in the massive throne. "A new follower, or entertainment...; I would not be averse to either."

Last Update:March 8, 2002

Well, I've taken over the club, I dunno how often it will be updated, but I will do my best. My AOL screenname is MrInitialMan, my yahoo is mrinitialman, my ICQ is 14733425, and my MSN is mrinitialman@hotmail.com

Everything in Wolvesbane Keep/Kindraco Fortress is the idea of the original builders of this site except for the things that are in other clubs, like the Barracks and the Monthly Riddle, and the member names. The BenDragons are MY idea, so if you want to use them, e-mail ME. If you want to use anything on this site you MUST get my permission first!!! If you do not you will face dire consequences!!!

Ring Title Ninian

This Unoffical Webring of Redwall Clubs site is owned by

Borak BenDragon

Want to join the The Unofficial Webring of Redwall Clubs?

Email: mrinitialman@yahoo.ca