
You open the door labeled Missions and find yourself in an almost empty room except for many papers hanging on the walls and a few vermin. A rat walks up to you and cheerfully greets you. "I see your new, an' ya don't know about the missions. Well, ya see, Lord Borak's Fortress usually has some pretty strange things happening around it, so he gets some of his warriors to do the missions.,"says the rat, the rat points to one of the papers."That's one of the missions, see all ya do is write out what ya did to complete the certain mission ya picked and send it to 'Is Lordship! Ya can also send in mission ideas, and if Lord Borak likes your idea, he posts it up, and gives you 5 coins! Oh yeah! An' ya get coins for doin 'em!" Grinning the rat leaves you. You start to read......

Attention! Missions must be 250 words or longer! Also, you CAN'T do missions someone has already done, unless it says so in the mission, and PLEASE do only one mission at a time!!!

Mission #1

A group of warriors have been acting strange lately. They have been doing something secretly in the lower levels of the Fortress and a few other warriors have disappeared as well. Lord Borak wants you to find out whats going on and report it to him. Try not to be seen, or it might wreck the entire plan!(worth 10 coins)(not completed)

Mission #2

Our spies tell us that a fierce wildcat named Tsuronis Greeneyes is forming a massive army to the east of Darkmire. They say that he is planning to conquer Darkmire when his army gets large enough. There are far too many warriors to take out on your own, so you need to be extremely sneaky. Borak wants you and perhaps a few other warriors to sneak into Greeneyes' fortress and poison his food and water supply. If you succeed you shall be rewarded, if you fail you shall be slain.(worth 20 coins)(not completed)

Mission #3

The goodbeast group WADDOV, the Woodlander Army Dedicated to the Destruction Of Vermin, the same group that Deathshand's father, Deathsblade, had to face on his arrival to Darkmire, is back. They've recruited many goodbeasts from the surrounding lands and have a new, craftier leader. Already, they've taken a large portion of Darkmire and are starting to build a strong fortress there. Borak wants you to take as many warriors as you need and destroy their outpost there. The area is carefully gaurded on all sides by many seasoned warriors, so you must be extremely careful. Failure means death. (worth 20 coins)(not completed)

Mission #4

There are rumors that WADDOV has sent an assassin into the Castle in an attempt to slay Borak. You must find the assassin and slay him before he can cause any trouble. (worth 10 coins)(not completed)

Mission #5

There is a spy among us! Deathshand wants you to find and capture the spy, than find out who sent him. If you fail you WILL be slain. (worth 10 coins)(not completed)

Mission #6

A strange white wolf has been seen in Darkmire. Noone has any idea who he is, and he hasn't caused any harm so far. However, Deathshand doesn't want to take any chances, so he wants you to go and find out what the wolf is doing here. If he intends to cause harm to Borak or anybeast in KinDraco Fortress, capture him and bring him to Borak. (worth 20 coins)(not completed)

Mission #7

A ragged black rat came to the Castle one day and collapsed by the front gate. The guards brought him inside and he was slowly nursed back to health. He said that his name was Derfang and that he was a wanderer who just wanted a place to rest for a few days before he continued along his way. He was allowed to stay for three days. On the morning of the fourth day he was gone. However, many expensive objects that Borak, Deathshand, DarkBlade, and Wolvesbane himself had obtained were found gone as well. Borak wants you to find Derfang and the objects and bring them back to Darkmire Castle, where Derfang will live the rest of his life in the dungeon. (worth 10 coins)(not completed)

Email: mrinitialman@yahoo.ca