The Dungeon

You open the door labeled Dungeon and step inside. With your first glance at the room, you know it's a dungeon since it's lined with cells. The cells are filled with goodbeasts and a ferret sits in a chair in the corner of the room. The ferret has a ring of keys on his belt and a rather large sword at his side. The ferret spots you, gets up and walks over to you. "Ahhh! You must be the new beast that Deathshand told me was coming!," with that the ferret snaps and two black foxes, which you hadn't seen because they had been in the shadows, step away from the door you had entered from and walk away down the hallway lined with cells. Turning back to you the ferret continues,"Well, ya see, the Castle is really running low on slaves right now, so it's up to the members of the Castle to catch some goodbeasts from the surrounding forest. Here's how ya do it, to catch a slave, all ya need to do is write a story about how you caught it, sorta like missions, and send it to Borak. All of these stories must be at least 100 words. For every slave you catch, you will earn 10 coins. So, get going!"

With that, the ferret sits back down on his chair in the corner.
