Bloodshed Arena

You open the door labeled Bloodshed Arena and step inside. You find yourself in a large field surrounded by thick, high, stone walls. In the middle of the field are two creatures, a vermin and a goodbeast, battling each other. You spot many other vermin watching the battle and cheering the vermin on. A fox steps up to you and whispers in your ear,"This is the Bloodshed Arena. In this place you can fight challengers from goodbeast clubs to the death!" "Yeah! If you win the fight you get a gem and 50 coins!,"says a rat behind you. "Just look on the notice board over there and see if there are any challengers! The rules of the fight are on there as well!" You walk over to the notice board that the rat pointed out and start to read....

This is Kindraco Fortress' Bloodshed Arena. The rules here are VERY strict. If you break any of them you will be kicked out of the fight! First, there is no insulting in the fight! You can only attack the opponant or defend yourself against it. Second, you must sign up to be a Bloodshed fighter before you can fight in an actual Bloodshed battle. To sign up, simply e-mail me your member name and the weapons you will be using(you can use a max. of two weapons in a Bloodshed battle). If you become a Bloodshed fighter, then it is your job to go around to any other sites that have Bloodshed Arenas and challenge members there and take the challenges to the Keep. The sites with Bloodshed Arenas are listed below including any challengers to the members of the Keep and the members of the Keep that can currently be challenged.

There are currently no challenges to the Keep or other sites with Bloodshed Arenas, just wait and soon there will be some!!!

Currently there are no Bloodshed fighters
