In His House, I Am Grandpa

Theodore Clydesdale greeting his grandkids. Art by Gene Catlow

Theodore Clydesdale and Dorothy Percheron have a few things in common, aside from both being horses. Both are wealthy and influential—Ms. Percheron in the world of fashion, Theodore in the world of politics. Both have a foal who was groomed to fit into their world; Theodore dreamed of his foals becoming a bearer of the Clydesdale political legacy, Dorothy raised her foals to be pageant princesses and princes to train them for fashion.

And both have had one of their foals (Dorothy's eldest filly and middle foal Karen and Theodore's eldest colt) rebel and head for a world they would never approve of.

But in one respect, they differ: Dorothy was adamant that her daughter would have to conform herself to Percheron ways and leave her old life and friends behind before the filly would be forgiven and welcomed back into her family. Theodore actively sought out his son, intent on repairing their relationship. When he found him in prison, he made an effort to know what kind of stallion Daniel had become. While Ted didn't approve of all Daniel had become, when Daniel finished his stint behind bars, Ted gave him a welcome home present of a pair of fighting gloves. He considered his crowning diplomatic achievement to be his reasonably good relationship with his son and his son's girlfriend (later Dan's wife).

Here, Ted greets his grandfoals, Dylan and Debra.

When Dylan grows up, he wants to beat people up, just like Mom and Dad. He usually wears his mane short, so it doesn't get grabbed in a fight. Speaking of fights, he's nicely recovered from his most recent tangle with his best friend over... oh, who cares what it was over, what matters is that it was broken up before they were done, so he's still sore about that. He also wanted to be trained by his Mom and Dad's old trainers, but Tzahhia Guai remains stubbornly retired.

Debra wants to be an actress—and NOT in some stupid romantic comedy film, she wants to be an ACTION star, kicking ass and taking names. She hates being called cute, pretty, adorable, sweet, gorgeous (and if her brother calls her adorabibble ONE more time, he'll be crapping teeth for a week!) Call her tough little broad, or warmare or the like, and she'll take that as a compliment. Oh, and she thinks motorcycles are AWESOME and wants one for Christmas.

The two have quite the rivalry between them and tussles are tolerated (even expected), but knock-down, drag-out, ground-and-pound fights are to be broken up. Ted's broken up quite a few; thank heavens those are getting rarer.

And Ebridias—or will it be Joan?—is due in the middle of spring.

Debra and Dillan are also allowed to watch shows like Wild Side Wrestling Federation and Ultimate Furry Fighting, but they're watching none of that on TV tonight—Ted's got tickets. Ringside seats.

Dorothy made good on her vow. She only knows that Karen has had more than one foal.

A comission done by the incomparable Gene Catlow, showing his character Ted Clydesdale greeting his rough-and-tough grandfoals.