Zerothus Achronasius IV

Zerothus Portrait
Character Information
Weight:137 lbs.
Base Species:Musteline

Furcadiä Description

At his age, he enjoys being a bit wild, and getting into trouble.


Zerothus was born into a very rich family. His parents were socialites, to the point where he hardly knows them, and they know him even less.

He left home at age 16, sick of trying to gain his oblivous parents' attention and affection. He found work in a warehouse, and it was here he found the friends he'd longed for. Working with his muscles was indeed something new to him, but he took to it well.

Another thing the older workers at the warehouse did for him was teach him to stay out of trouble, as he had learned nothing of values from his parents.

But growing up on his own had left him with a bit of a wild streak, so he still gets into situations that are less than stellar. Through audacity, quick thinking, and sheer luck, though, he's managed to stay out of SERIOUS trouble.

So far.

All images of my Furcadia characters were generated by either the Character Creation Wizard or the old FurEd program and thus © Furcadia, unless otherwise specified.