Panel 1Hey Lance, can I mention this school by name?
I have no problem with that.
Panel 2I'm training at the Storm Wrestling Academy in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
My trainer is Mr. Lance Storm himself, booker for the Prairie Wrestling Alliance, and former WWE
CruiserweightIntercontinental Champion.Panel 3-BREEPBREEPBREEP-
If I wanted that BSometer to go off, I'd have said I was his star student, now CUT IT OUT! DX<
I got permission to actually name the school I wrestle at, so it is the Storm Wrestling Academy in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, which is run by Lance Storm, who has a LOT of other championships other than the one I mentioned (which I got wrong in this strip and right in the first— he was the Intercontinental Champion, not Cruiserweight Champion). I just thought it was important to confirm what I claimed in the first comic.
I am very grateful to God that I got the chance to wrestle here—even if I'm hardly his best student. <:-)