Seeing Ceiling #5 Where I Train

January 21, 2012
Where I Train

Comic Text

Panel 1

Hey Lance, can I mention this school by name?

I have no problem with that.

Panel 2

I'm training at the Storm Wrestling Academy in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

My trainer is Mr. Lance Storm himself, booker for the Prairie Wrestling Alliance, and former WWE Cruiserweight Intercontinental Champion.

Panel 3


If I wanted that BSometer to go off, I'd have said I was his star student, now CUT IT OUT! DX<

Comic Notes

I got permission to actually name the school I wrestle at, so it is the Storm Wrestling Academy in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, which is run by Lance Storm, who has a LOT of other championships other than the one I mentioned (which I got wrong in this strip and right in the first— he was the Intercontinental Champion, not Cruiserweight Champion). I just thought it was important to confirm what I claimed in the first comic.

I am very grateful to God that I got the chance to wrestle here—even if I'm hardly his best student. <:-)