Conquest Hall

You step through the door labeled "Conquest Hall" and find yourself in a massive room filled almost completely with armed warriors. A large weasel steps up to you. "Ah, are you here to recruit?"

"Recruit? What are you talking about?" you ask.

"You mean you don't know?" asks the weasel, a shocked look on his face. "I thought everyone in the Castle would know by now! Deathshand is sending out warriors to conquer new areas for the Castle. Right now all we have is the Castle and surrounding forest, and he wants more land than that! These warriors came here to sign up to go and conquer new lands. Of course, only top notch fighters can go, and they must know how to survive in unknown lands. Those brave warriors that go must face many hardships along the way, not the mention the fact that they must eliminate all opposition in the land they need to conquer. If you want to sign up, just go to that desk over there and the rat there should tell you what to do."

You wade through the mass of warriors to a large oak desk. Behind the desk sits a muscular rat holding a stack of papers. "So, are you here to recruit?" he asks.

You nod and he hands you a piece of paper from his stack. "All you need to do is sign your name and put the weapons, armor, and other supplies you will be bringing, and give it back to me. I will send it to Deathshand and he will handle the rest. Currently the land we are trying to conquer is mostly a desert wasteland except for one area around a river which is lush with vegetation. That area is settled by a clan of water rats. You will recieve more information about them when you arrive at the area."

After the rat finishes, you snatch a quill pen from the desk and start to write......