Importing Stylesheets

There is a way of including a stylesheet within another while having the two as totally separate files. This is called importing. Imports can be placed in any order that gives you the precedence of rules that you need, but they must be placed before any rules in the stylesheet they are being imported to.

Syntax Of Importing

Importing a stylesheet is quite simple. You start with the word @import and follow it up with the URI. If you wish to specify media, the media name follows the URI. Then you follow everything up with a semicolon.

Importing Stylesheets
/* Importing the file chapter_numbers.css into another style sheet */
@import "./chapter_numbers.css";
/* Importing the file chapter_numbers.css into another style sheet using "url()" */
@import url("./chapter_numbers.css");
/* Importing the file chapter_numbers.css into another style sheet using "url()" and alternate quotes */
@import url('./chapter_numbers.css');
/* Importing a print-specific stylesheet */
@import url("./print.css") print;
/* Importing a print- and screen-specific stylesheet */
@import url("./print.css") print, screen;

The rule @import url('./chapter_numbers.css'); is used in the stylesheet of this very book, allowing for the numbering of my chapters.

Importing Versus Linking

Ultimately, a stylesheet, whether imported or associated with the document through a link element, will affect how a page looks. However, there are subtle differences of which you should be aware.

Importing style1.css into style2.css (@import)
The stylesheet style1.css is treated as part of style2.css, so while you can link to style1.css but not style2.css, any page that links to style2.css is automatically linked to both.
Linking to style1.css and style2.css (link)
The stylesheets style1.css and style2.css are treated as separate files, which means you can link to style1.css and not style2.css, style2.css and not style1.css, or to both (which would require two link elements).

Which you use is up to you. If style1.css is integral to style2.css, then I would suggest importing it— especially if style1.css is integral to other stylesheets as well! For example, chapter_numbers.css is used with no less than six other stylesheets. If style1.css is simply a tweak or overrides style2.css for specific pages, then I'd link to both of them.

Working Around Older Browsers

There's a trick you don't see often anymore since most browsers today don't need it. In the early days of CSS 2, a lot of older browsers didn't support it properly, and would become confused by the newer rules. Considering these newer rules pertained to layout and the CSS box model, things could get messy indeed.

One thing they didn't support at all was stylesheet importing; imported stylesheets were simply ignored.

This was used to webdesigners' advantage: a basic stylesheet was supplied to all browsers, and more complex ones were imported, usually through the stylesheet created by the style element.

Getting Around An Older Browser
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="./basic.css">
<style type="text/css">
@import "./advanced.css";